wiley manuscript status under consideration

Try to answer all the questions. Are there places where meaning is ambiguous? Is the paper's premise interesting and important? Mc 10 46 52 Commento Per Bambini, With some journals, editors are invited and not assigned. Asked by Ramkumar CB Do the keywords accurately reflect the content? Introduction. If the author is disagreeing significantly with the current academic consensus, do they have a substantial case? Wiley and the ASBMR support efforts to encourage the sharing of research data. If so, you may ask the author to discuss their aims and results, or modify their conclusions, in light of the similar article. Manuscript Submission Child Development invites for consideration manuscripts that are neither identical to nor substantially similar to work published or under review elsewhere. Are there certain aspects that could be communicated better, such as parts of the discussion? 1 Recommendation 18th Jun, 2018 Antonio Pirisi Agris Sardegna Hi, it depends from the Journal but normally you can wait more days. In this case, you may wish to familiarize yourself with examples of other reviews done for the journal, which the editor should be able to provide or, as you gain experience, rely on your own evolving style. Different assembly mechanisms of leaf epiphytic and endophytic bacterial communities underlie their higher diversity in more diverse forests. Collaborate easily and accurately: Edit your manuscript together, in real-time with your collaborators with workflow management tools that can be tailored to the way you like to work. [CDATA[> For example, it's impossible to argue that there is a conflict in current understanding by referencing articles that are 10 years old. Authors may make the case that a topic hasn't been investigated in several years and that new research is required. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Currently there are several therapeutic agents in more than 1000 clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease . Improve the chances of your manuscripts acceptance by learning how to prepare a manuscript for journal submission and handle the peer review process. The manuscript cannot be under consideration by another journal at any time that it is under consideration by JBMR Plus. Full disclosure: Editage Insights is a product of Editage, a global provider of world-class scientific communication solutions. A full read-through will also make sure that any initial concerns are indeed correct and fair. Communicate more effectively with this specially curated collection of easy templates and expert tips for 10+ situations when . But don't overdo it if you will be recommending rejection, Briefly summarize what the paper is about and what the findings are, Try to put the findings of the paper into the context of the existing literature and current knowledge, Indicate the significance of the work and if it is novel or mainly confirmatory, Indicate the work's strengths, its quality and completeness, State any major flaws or weaknesses and note any special considerations. May-June 2022. . While journals have a specific review period in place, the reviewers may sometimes exceed these timelines. It's been only a month. Osyris lanceolata (African Sandalwood) is endangered in the wild due to poor natural regeneration and over-exploitation for the highly valued sandalwood oil. This is an extremely important part of your job as a reviewer, Avoid making critical confidential comments to the editor while being polite and encouraging to the author - the latter may not understand why their manuscript has been rejected. Examples of possibly major flaws include: If experimental design features prominently in the paper, first check that the methodology is sound - if not, this is likely to be a major flaw. Since speed is often an important factor, some journals make a point of advertising their typical review/decision times. The Anatomical Record's purpose is to publish new discoveries in the morphological aspects of molecular, cellular, organ systems, whole-organism, and evolutionary biology. Avoid the use of the word 'significant' in your description of results. Our original resources for authors and journals will help you become an expert in academic publishing. If there are insufficient data, it might be appropriate to recommend revision. It should: This should provide a conceptual overview of the contribution of the research. London, W6 7NJ, UK. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. Manuscript Preparation. Has similar work already been published without the authors acknowledging this? Editing and proofreading services for a publication-ready manuscript, Customized service packs to match all publication needs, Expert help for all academic translation needs, Why has the status of my manuscript changed from "Under review" to "Submitted?". It explores the science of optimizing the care of patients receiving enteral or IV therapies. Volume 73, Issue 3. The manuscript describes the steps carried out to study three rural areas at low, medium and high population density in the UK: a data landscape to select study areas; the development of an activity-based model, which uses anonymised mobile network data (MND) aggregated at trip-chains level to derive travel patterns; and the development of an . All authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work. Authors are reminded that Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism is primarily a journal of pharmacology and therapeutics, focused mainly on human research relevant to patient care. //--> The. The main submission form is a series of tabbed windows that you populate: 1. Most journals give reviewers the option to provide some confidential comments to editors. Of course, the research similarities may be so great that they render the work unoriginal and you have no choice but to recommend rejection. When you receive an invitation to peer review, you should be sent a copy of the paper's abstract to help you decide whether you wish to do the review. The original high-resolution files are tracked and exported along with your manuscript. The review process may take a few weeks or even months. They are there because the editor felt that they are important. It's been one and a half months in my case and the status of the manuscript still the same. accept, reject, revise and resubmit, etc.) PIs gone AWOL? by highlighting certain parts of an image). Should the authors consider resubmitting to the same journal after language improvements? If major revisions are required, try to indicate clearly what they are. So in the spirit of fairness, write comments to editors as though authors might read them too. One of my manuscript was submitted on 21st of June this year, but it is still showing " Awaiting Reviewer Selection " as status. Modified on: Tue, 10 Dec, 2019 at 11:12 PM. I have a question about the status of mymanuscript. However, this doesn't give reviewers permission to 'backstab' the author. In this pandemic situation, it's highly likely that the processing time will delay a bit longer than normal. Although using pure CBD does not result in THC-like intoxication, it is not risk-free. I think you may send an email to the editor office to get the reason. Ruiu Licenziato Telelombardia, What's more, you don't then need to read any further. Answer: Once a paper is submitted to a journal, it is assigned to a handling editor who conducts an initial screening of the paper to see if it meets the basic requirements of the journal. You may be asked to revise your manuscript slightly or to perform a . Thank you Mr. Tong Wu for your generous advice. Under spinal anesthesia, . You may feel you can advise the author how to emphasize the novel aspects of their own study, so as to better differentiate it from similar research. This status is shown to all the applicants. Beginning in early 2020, AIChE Journal is participating in a pilot of the under review service, Wiley's new initiative to streamline the early sharing of research and open up the peer review process. wiley manuscript status under consideration. This has enough data points to make sure the data are reliable. submitted. Improve the chances of your manuscripts acceptance by learning how to prepare a manuscript for journal submission and handle the peer review process. Our peer review process is designed to ensure all . Manage your citations: Insert references from a personal reference library or from online sourcesno separate reference manager required. Usually the status "Under review" indicates that the paper has cleared the admin check and it has been sent to the external peer reviewer or in-house section editor. English Editing - Editage.com | Editage.jp | Editage.co.kr |SCI Editage.cn |publicao de artigos Editage.com.br | Editage.com.tw |Terms of UseforEnglish Editing Services. Where improvements are needed, a recommendation for major or minor revision is typical. 1 Answer to this question Answer: Usually the status "Under review" indicates that the paper has cleared the admin check and it has been sent to the external peer reviewer or in-house section editor. The review process may take a few weeks or even months. Wiley coyote under rock. A 2010 study of nursing journals found that 79% of recommendations by reviewers were influenced by grammar and writing style (Shattel, et al., 2010). Once a paper is submitted to a journal, it is assigned to a handling editor who conducts an initial screening of the paper to see if it meets the basic requirements of the journal. Thus, they need to search for other reviewers. . 1 INTRODUCTION. under review 12,3 . I have a raw file of tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) data.

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